Maamigili MP and JP leader Qasim Ibrahim is pictured with Tourism Minister Ali Waheed. (Sun File Photo/Fayaz Moosa)
Jumhooree Party (JP) leader and Maamingili MP Qasim Ibrahim has praised the Tourism Minister Ali Waheed despite his continued absence from party activities following disputes that rose during the last parliamentary election.
Qasim who was speaking at a rally to increase membership of the party reminded everyone that the party was in shambles when he was jailed and later in self-imposed exile abroad. He thanked the senior figures of the party who were behind the party’s resurgence, especially current Tourism Minister Ali Waheed.
“A lot of the credit goes to our party president Ali Waheed, even though he is no longer seen here. He is not seen here at all (at Kunooz), he will know what happened.” said the JP leader at the rally held in the head office of JP in M. Kunooz.
Qasim speculated that the reason for the Minister’s absence was the overwhelming duties of being a minister.
“I have no bad intentions when I say this. The truth is, he is extremely busy. Wouldn’t that be the case our President is in charge of the trips of the Ministry assigned to him by the President? We know that he is an extremely pruductive figure. So, we are sure, that he will carry out his duties in the manner.” said Qasim.
The JP leader also assured members that Minister Ali Waheed will once again take part in JP activities despite his absence in the rally last night.
Minister Ali Waheed has previously stated that the relationship between him and the party was strained due to a decision by the party to support opposition candidates in the Parliamentary election.
The Minister also took part in the campaigns of some MDP candidates that were running against the opposition PPM candidates. After the elections, he notably took a step back from party activities.
In addition to Ali Waheed, several once senior figures of JP have been missing from the party activities as of recently.