
Trio arrested from Vilimale’ with over MVR 240,000 in drug money

Combined photos of (from L-R) Salah Shihab, 45, Zamaanee Aage, GDh. Rathafandhoo; Mohamed Simrah, 43, Ma. Windstar 1, K. Male’; and Ibrahim Imad, 30, Kenereege, Th. Gaadhiffushi. (Photo/Maldives Police Service)

The police conducted a counter-narcotics operation in Vilimale’ earlier this week, which led to the arrest of three suspects and the seizure of over MVR 240,000 in what investigators believe to be drug money.

The operation was conducted on Sunday based on information received by the Counter-Narcotics Intelligence.

The joint operation between Drug Enforcement and Narcotics Intelligence led to the arrest of three men. They are:

  • Salah Shihab, 45, Zamaanee Aage, GDh. Rathafandhoo
  • Mohamed Simrah, 43, Ma. Windstar 1, K. Male’
  • Ibrahim Imad, 30, Kenereege, Th. Gaadhiffushi

The police said they also seized 57.78 grams of drugs and over 241,000 in drug money.

When presented before a judge for their remand hearing, the court remanded Salah and Simrah into custody of the police for 15 days, but released Imad.

The police said they have asked the Prosecutor General’s Office to appeal Imad’s release.

The case is under further investigation by the police.
