A capture from opposition coalition's protest to draw attention to fishermen's concerns on October 10, 2022. (Photo/PPM)
Opposition coalition comprising of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and People’s National Congress (PNC) staged a protest under the name 'Ley Naaru' on Monday evening, to draw attention to the concerns of local fishermen, and to make the government answerable to them.
The PPM-PNC protest began in front of the fish market in Male’ City, led by PNC’s Leader Abdul Raheem Abdulla, PPM’s deputy leaders – Guraidhoo MP Mohamed Ghassaan Maumoon and Naifaru MP Ahmed Shiyam – and PNC’s Deputy Leader, Maavah MP Mohamed Saeed.
Participants of the protest were stopped by the police by barricades as they headed towards Republic Square through Boduthakurufaanu Magu. When police requested the participants to move back, some of them refused – which led officers to opt for pepper spray.
Although some were arrested during the protest, the numbers remain unsure at the moment.
In each high fishing season, fishermen complain about the lengthy time spent weighing fish, and difficulties in obtaining ice for freezing their catches.
Fisheries Minister Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan vowed that the government would find a permanent solution to concerns about weighing fish on September 26. The Minister noted that efforts were underway to establish additional cold storage facilities to achieve this.