Interim Leader of People’s National Congress (PNC) and Fonadhoo MP Abdul Raheem Abdulla (Adhurey). (File Photo/Sun/Fayaz Moosa)
Thulhadhoo members of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) stated that they will not vote according to the wishes of the Acting Leader of People’s National Congress (PNC) Abdulrahim Abdulla.
In a statement released by the members of Tholhadhoo constituency regarding the withdrawal of support for the PPM candidate – Mohamed Atheef of Thulhadhoo constituency by the Acting Leader of PNC, they stated that Thulhadhoo members of PPM will not vote according to his wishes.
In the statement by the PPM “Bodugofi” of Thulhadhoo they stated that Secretary General of PNC invited Atheef to the party office to inform that they have withdrawn their support for him.
With the withdrawal of support for Atheef PNC will now be supporting the Independent candidate Mohamed Zaheen, who is also a relative of the current Thulhadhoo MP Nazim Rashaadh.
Adhurey announced the withdrawal of support for Atheef on a press conference held by PNC this week.
However, PPM stated that they will not be withdrawing Atheef’s name by the wishes of Thulhadhoo members of PPM.
“Thulhadhoo members of PPM will not vote according to the wishes of the Acting Leader of PNC. PPM Member of Thulhadhoo constituency is candidate number 3, Mohamed Atheef,”
The statement also mentioned that this is not the first time that PNC has withdrawn their support for PPM candidate Atheef. They stated that Adhurey himself announced his support for Atheef after he renounced it the first time.
It was also stated in the statement that “Even though a letter was submitted to Elections Commissions to the wishes of Adhurey to take back the candidacy of Atheef, EC refused to take back his candidacy,” Atheef would have the PPM logo next to his name on the vote paper, according to Elections Commission.
Former President Yameen Abdul Gayyoom announced his support for Atheef on the 18th of last September after Atheef announced that he would be competing against Hisaan Hussain in the upcoming Parliament Election of 2019.
President Yameen asked the people of Thulhadhoo to vote for Atheef and campaign for him.
The candidates competing in the Thulhadhoo constituency are PPM candidate, Mohamed Atheef, Independent candidate Mohamed Zaheen, Independ candidate Ibrahim Afeef – with the support of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom and MDP candidate Hisaan Hussain.