
Re-registration times extended

Vice President of the Elections Commission, Amjad and Member of the Elections Commission, Ahmed Akram. (Sun Photo/Mohamed Afrah)

Election Commission has extended the re-registration times for the Presidential Election 2018. 

Spokesperson and Member of the Commission, Ahmed Akram, tweeted today that since forms are being submitted in bulk, the re-registration form submission period has been extended. 

Akram's tweet said that forms can be submitted until 9 p.m. tonight and 12 a.m. tomorrow night. 

He said that 3 days would be given after the re-registration period expires to resolve any issues with the polling stations. The re-registration period expires on 11 August. 

The re-registration forms are being referred to the Maldives Police Service for fingerprint verification and if the fingerprints don't match, the forms would be deemed invalid. 
