An elderly man wears a mask as he sits in a harbor area in Male' City on June 9, 2020. (Sun Photo/Fayaz Moosa)
The Health Ministry has announced the decision to create a registry of patients living in the atolls who are on medication for chronic illnesses and on treatment for non-communicable diseases (NDCs).
According to the ministry, the decision to create a registry of patients on medication for NDCs and on other permanent medication is aimed at ensuring uninterrupted access to the medicine they need, and ensure they can access healthcare services, including diagnostic services, in a sustainable manner.
Work on compiling the registry in Sh. Atoll and N. Atoll is set to begin on April 1. The ministry said that they also plan on initiating the work in other atolls within the next three months.
The ministry said that a focal point has been designated from each healthcare facility to coordinate and implement the service.
The move comes amid complaints of lack of availability of multiple medicines, including common ones. The government is working on resolving the issue through the State Trading Organization (STO).