
Dhivehi Bahuge Academy-MIRA course concludes successfully

Participants of the short-term Dhivehi language familiarization course were given certificates upon completion of the course. (Photo: MIRA)

The short-term Dhivehi language enhancement course run by the Dhivehi Bahuge Academy and Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) has concluded successfully.

According to the academy, it ran the Dhivehi language familiarization course targeting government agencies upon MIRA's request this time.

The course was held from September 8th to 11th, with 23 participants. However, only 17 participants completed the course.

Participants were provided lessons on the correct grammatical usage of Dhivehi language and eloquence in both written and oral communication.

Two lecturers of the Faculty of Arts of the Maldives National University (MNU) - Aziza Afeef and Shiuna Ahmed - provided the lectures.

The academy's President Dr. Ashraf Abdul Raheem awarded the certificates to the graduates.

At the closing ceremony, Dr. Ashraf stressed government employees must be cautious in using the language correctly in their official communication.

He also highlighted the increased usage of grammatically incorrect terms and code-switching in government agencies.

Dr. Ashraf said the indifference towards such practices could result in the loss of respect for the Maldivian mother tongue in the future.
