Former MP Al'han Fahmy (L) and his brothers, Shahban Fahmy and Shazuban Fahmy; the siblings each face 13 counts of fraud and embezzlement charges pressed by the Prosecutor General's Office --
The trial against former MP Al'han Fahmy and his brothers, former President of Media Council Shahuban Fahmy and Shazuban Fahmy on charges of deception and fraud began on Tuesday.
Kings Capital Holdings, the family venture of Al'han and his brothers, is alleged with launching an illegal investment scheme.
The three faces a total of 13 charges each related to deception, fraud and embezzlement.
The presiding judge in the case, Justice Ismail Shafeeu has extended a 15-day period for the defendants to appoint a defense attorney.
Prosecutor General's Office earlier said the siblings had fraudulently embezzled the money from several investors through their illegal investment scheme. The office also alleged the siblings had laundered the embezzled money for personal use as well.
Kings Capital Holding ran its investment scheme from 2021 to 2022, making promises of huge returns to investors. The siblings had acquired a significant sum of money through the scheme from investors, who however did not received their promised returns.
The company reportedly collected over MVR 98 million from investors, out of which the three siblings are facing charges from 13 of their alleged victims.
Meanwhile, Maldives Police Service has been investigating other aspects related to the case as well.
PG Office said it will decide on pressing additional charges against the siblings after reviewing the investigation documents once Police share it with them.