Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in Male' City. (File Photo/Sun)
Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) has advised visitors to wear masks on hospital premises.
The hospital had issued the advisory following instructions by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) to enforce safety measures in light of the increased number of COVID-19 cases. In this regard, they have advised patients, caretakers and others to wear masks on the hospital premises
IGMH’s Spokesperson told Sun that no other measures apart from advising to wear masks within hospital premises have been taken at the moment. The Spokesperson underscored that stricter measures would be enforced, if necessary, in accordance with the instructions of relevant authorities.
HPA advised caution over the increased number of COVID-19 cases in the Maldives on Monday.
In a statement released on Monday evening, HPA said that their statistics indicate an increased number of cases recently.
“In this regard, 141 cases were confirmed last week,” they detailed.
HPA stressed that this was a 60 percent increase compared to the week before. They also underscored an increase in sample positivity rate and the number of individuals being treated for the disease after admittance at hospitals.