Opposition leader, former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayyoom speaks at 'India Out' event held in GA. Villingili. (Photo/PPM)
Stressing that all other political leaders apart from ones belonging to PPM and PNC have betrayed Maldivians, opposition leader, former president Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has stated that he has no intention of forming political ties with traitors.
Speaking at a rally held at GA. Villingili as part of the opposition coalition’s ‘India Out’ campaign, Yameen said that Maldivian seas have been given to Indians ‘to conduct surveys’. He added that Maldivian leaders are not paying any attention to the fact that Indian vessels are fencing off areas at the sea in the name of conducting surveys in this high fishing season.
“There is not a lesson to learn from the Maldivian history apart from this. There is not a page or a paragraph from Maldivian history that can be taken apart from this, in which all leaders in power, all political leaders who have betrayed Maldivians. Today, all leaders apart from those belonging to PPM-PNC, has betrayed Maldivians,” he had said.
Speaking further, Yameen urged people not believe the rumors created by a group of people claiming that PPM will be endorsing Jumhoory Party’s leader Qasim Ibrahim in the 2023 presidential elections. He added that there were capable candidates within the party, who PPM would like to give its ticket for, to contest in the presidential elections.
“Should I remain the leader of this party, I do not wish to form political ties with anyone who has betrayed Maldivians in such a serious matter,” he added.
He also said PPM and PNC will no longer have space for individuals who had given up membership of the parties previously.
Yameen that had visited six islands to take part in events held under ‘India Out’ campaign so far, said that Indian military personnel should not be stationed in the Maldives. He stressed that Maldives is a country with significant means and a country that can still further strengthen its means.
“Maldives does not have to station Indian military personnel here, ahead of time, in case foreign militants might attack,” he had said.
In his speech, Yameen also repeatedly stressed that Maldivian military does not have power over the areas in Maldives which Indian military personnel are established at. He also urged to create opportunities to ‘politicize’ Maldivian military.
“Political figures will live how they want. But, Maldivian military should not be political. Political figures will be one color today, another color tomorrow and another color the day after,” he had said.