President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (C) launches ' message' service on September 14, 2021. (Photo/President's Office)
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, on Tuesday, launched a service through which members of the general public can communicate with government institutions digitally – eliminating the need for physicial visits to government institutions in order to submit documents.
The launch of the service was held at the National Center for Information Technology (NCIT) on Tuesday morning, and was attended by the President, Environment Minister Aminath Shauna, additional Cabinet ministers, and heads of President’s Office and NCIT.
The new service, named ‘gov.m message’, is designed to ease accessibility to government services.
Though the government began digital communications between government insitutions back in 2010 with the launch of the Government E-Letter Management System (GEMS), it marks the first time for a system which facilitates digital communications between government institutions and the public.
Speaking at the launching event, Shauna noted that the new service will modernize communications and improve convinience.
“This is the official government digital service through which people can submit letters and documents such as complaints to the government via the internet. This service will also allow all government institutions to communicate through one digital service instead of having individual government institutions conduct official communications through different systems,” she said.
Shauna said that the sservice comes with a dashboard, allowing people to check the number of documents submitted to government institutions in real time.
She said the service can be used to communicate with any government institution, any time.
The new service will eliminate the need to physicially visit government institutions or wait for office hours to submit documents, and will allow people to check the progress of action taken by government institutions in response to submissions.