Photo shows the ring road of Male' city during an imposed curfew on April 2, 2020. The curfew was imposed as a safety measure against the Covid-19 virus. (Sun Photo/Fayaz Moosa)
Health Professionals in the Maldives has called on the public to refrain from spending time outdoors unnecessarily despite the lifting of the curfew on Male’ city, which should not be seen as evidence that the country was free of the Covid-19 virus.
Government assembled Technical Advisory Group (TAG)’s head Dr. Ali Latheef, speaking in a news conference last night said that it was noticed that the streets were flooded after the curfew hours were over. He advised that this was not safe and for people to remain indoors even if the curfew was lifted.
The doctor stated that the purpose of the curfew was lost due to such actions and lamented the idea that many were not aware of the gravity of the situation. He stated that the risk of infections spreading was real and stressed the importance of not going outdoors if not necessary. The doctor expressed dismay at the fact that people still gathered in some locations.
He added that the country did not have a community spread of the virus, but the risk of another case being identified was possible after the curfew was lifted.
The three-hour curfew in Male’ city was lifted yesterday. It was imposed by the Director-General of Public Health under the powers granted by law as part of the public health emergency declared on March 12. The curfew ran from 17:00 to 20:00 and was announced on March 2, 2020.
Groups of more than three people are still prohibited from gathering in public areas, despite the curfew being lifted.
After nearly a week of curfew, Police issued cautions on 1,138 instances to people for breaking the curfew rules. They include 954 locals and 184 foreigners. Only two people were fined by the Police for breaking curfew rules despite repeated offenders.