November 22, 2015: Students are seen at the graduation ceremony of the Dhasvaaru program held in Kulliyah. (Sun Photo/Fayaz Moosa)
Education Ministry has replaced the Dhasvaaru program focused on students who are academically challenged with a Hunaru program. The Dhasvaaru program focused on such students meant that these students were often segregated from academics and had a negative effect on these students, according to the Ministry.
The Ministry also noted that since these students were not taught to the standards of literacy and numeracy, they often faced difficulties in finding employment.
“Our policy is to ensure that every student has an esteemed life when they graduate from schools.” read a statement by the Ministry.
The Ministry also noted that students were included in the Dhasvaaru program inappropriately and were sometimes forced to take part in the program that did not include subjects in the national curriculum to raise the school results.
The Ministry also noted that some students lapsed in their studies and attempt to finish school in an easier manner knowing the availability of the Dhasvaaru program in grade 10.
However, the Ministry did also note that the program was run successfully in some schools and stated that this was the reason that the Ministry and decided to replace the stream with a skills program to teach students important life skills. The Dhasvaaru program would not be continued as a stream, according to the Ministry.
“Preparations for this have been commenced. We would like to note that the formation of the program is also underway.” said the Ministry.
The purpose of the program was to ensure that every student has these skills and not just academically challenged students.
The Ministry noted that the purpose was also to ensure that every student had accumulated a life skill when they graduated and were also educated to the literacy and numeracy standards, Dhivehi language and religion when they complete grade 10.
The Dhasvaaru program was introduced by the previous administration to familiarize students with the work environment. The areas that the program focuses on include Hospitality, IT, Tour guiding and office administration. The program was also taken part by several companies in the country.