
Police, Defense Ministry - the top two targets for lawsuits this year

Attorney General, Ibrahim Riffath. (File Photo/Sun/Fayaz Moosa)

Statistics released by the Attorney General’s Office reveal the largest volume of lawsuits against a State institution in the first six months of this year were filed against Maldives Police Service and Defense Ministry.

The statistics released by AG’s Office this Tuesday shows 22 lawsuits were filed against the police from January to June. The 22 cases were employment related.

11 cases were filed against Defense Ministry during the period, while nine cases each were filed against Housing Ministry and Economic Ministry.

The statistics also show attorneys from the AG’s Office attended 1,123 hearings and provided legal representation in 167 cases – 111 of which were cases filed against the State.


  • 67 cases at Civil Court
  • 15 cases at High Court
  • 14 cases at Employment Tribunal
  • 10 cases at magistrate courts
  • 5 cases at Supreme Court

The AG’s Office also filed 56 cases during the same period.


  • 24 cases at High Court
  • 21 cases at Civil Court
  • 6 cases at Employment Tribunal
  • 5 cases at Supreme Court

21 cases remained unfiled by the AG’s Office during the period.
