Demonstration against Ibrahim Ismail (Ibra) in front of the Mandhu College on January 21, 2019. (Sun Photo/Muzayyin Nizam)
Maldives Police Service has issued a warning against a couple of men holding a demonstration against owner of Mandhu College and former Leader of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), Ibrahim Ismail (Ibra) in front of Mandhu College this Monday.
MPS says it did not make any official arrests, but took three of the demonstrators to the police station and issued warnings following their refusal to cooperate with the police.
The agency says it took the men to the police station following complaints the demonstration was making it difficult for employees to enter and exit their offices.
The men have now been released after the warning.
Video of the demonstrators being put into a police vehicle have gone viral over the social media.
A reporter at the scene said the protesters were holding a peaceful demonstration to voice their objection to posts made by Ibra over the social media which have been deemed an attack on the religion of Islam.
Ibra was questioned by the police last Sunday night as part of what the MPS says is an investigation into hate speech.