President of Commission on Deaths and Disappearances, Husnu Al Suood speaks during a press conference. (File Photo/Sun/Fayaz Moosa)
The Commission on Disappearances and Deaths will publish details of the cases submitted to the commission by the public next Sunday, says President of Commission of Disappearances and Deaths.
This Thursday is the last day public will have the opportunity to submit cases to the commission.
Speaking to ‘Sun’ this Thursday morning, President of Commission on Disappearances and Deaths, Husnu Al Suood said the public has submitted a large number of cases so far, and that details of the cases will be published by the commission next Sunday.
The commission is mandated to investigate murders and enforced disappearances which have taken place in Maldives from January 1, 2012 to November 17, 2018.
Some high-profile cases the commission will be investigating includes the murder of political and Islamic scholar Dr. Afrasheem Ali in 2012, the abduction of journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla in 2014, and the murder of human rights activist and blogger Yameen Rasheed in 2016.
The commission has announced it aims to complete investigation into its current cases within the next three months.