Minister of Health Abdulla Nazim Ibrahim: the minister said that the digital health architecture works will conclude within the next two to three months. (Photo: Ministry of Health)
The Minister of Health Abdulla Nazim Ibrahim on Wednesday said that the work on establishing a digital health architecture will conclude in the next two to three months.
He made the remarks while inaugurating the Maldives Integrated Health Information System (MIHIS) public portal. The minister said the inauguration of this portal was an important step in establishing the digital health architecture blueprint.
While noting the difficulties of providing health services to remote communities, the minister emphasized the importance of a digital health service system in the Maldives.
“Once this blueprint is formulated and implemented, it would grant easy accessibility to everyone, from their formative years, to relevant health information about them,” he said.
The primary achievements of the first phase are the digitalization of vaccine and growth records of children.
The minister said that 95 percent of the information related to children born between 2022 and 2024 have been recorded to the portal, while the information of children born from 2025 onward will be recorded on the portal as well.
The portal grants the latest health information of individuals, helps them identify their health risks and guide them with steps to prevent from ailments.
The minister highlighted the establishment of a digital network is necessary to protect the health information of the public at a national scale, and to expand the health services.