
First Lady: Girl Guide activities help foster more girls for the nation

First Lady Sajidha Ahmed addresses Maldivian Girl Guides taking part in Ceylona 2024 International Camp in Sri Lanka on August 15, 2024. (Photo/President's Office)

First Lady and Chief Guide Sajidha Ahmed has remarked that Girl Guide activities assist families, society, and the nation as a whole by fostering more girls.

She made the remark while speaking at a special gathering at Salahuddin School on Thursday evening to meet with the Guides, their parents, and leaders who would be attending the Ceylona 2024 International Camp in Kurunegala, Sri Lanka.

First Lady Sajidha Ahmed during a gathering to meet Maldivian Girl Guides taking part in Ceylona 2024 International Camp in Sri Lanka on August 15, 2024. (Photo/President's Office)

Speaking at the gathering, she underscored that Girl Guide activities would assist families, society, and the nation as a whole by fostering more girls and in this trajectory, emphasized the importance of having more female pupils partake in Girl Guide.

As the Ceylona 2024 International Camp will be attended by youngsters from various nations, the First Lady encouraged camp participants from the Maldives to completely represent their country and demonstrate that they are Muslims and proud natives in all they do.

First Lady Sajidha Ahmed during a gathering to meet Maldivian Girl Guides taking part in Ceylona 2024 International Camp in Sri Lanka on August 15, 2024. (Photo/President's Office)

During the gathering, she also presented the national flag to the leader of the Maldivian delegation at the camp.

Ceylona 2024 International Camp in Kurunegala, Sri Lanka, will be attended by 305 Girl Guides and 32 adult leaders from 38 schools across the Maldives. 
