Journalist Mundoo Adam Haleem. (Photo/Mundoo Haleem via Facebook)
Journalist Mundoo Adam Haleem has been appointed Chief of Staff at the official residence of the Parliament Speaker, Muraidhooge.
Speaker Abdul Raheem Abdulla moved into Muraidhooge on July 25th.
Parliament Secretariate’s Communications Director Hassan Ziyau, on Thursday, said Mundoo Haleem was appointed to Chief of Staff, three days later, on July 28th.
The details of his salary and allowances have not been disclosed.
Mundoo Haleem has worked in the field of journalism for over 20 years and has achieved the National Award and Golden Pen in the field.
He kicked off his career at ‘Aafathis’. He has served as the Deputy Managing Editor of Sun Online and has held senior posts at Mihaaru, VTV and Avas.
At present, he is running his own publication, ‘The Mirror’.
Notably, journalists have been appointed to various posts in the government. They include Ali Shamman, an editor at ‘The Press’, who was appointed a State Minister at the Youth Ministry and Mohamed Shaheeb, who was running his own publication, that was appointed a State Minister at Foreign Ministry.