
Fishers in Addu stop protests with pay disbursement

Protesters outside Addu Fisheries Complex: the protest has been called off after MIFCO began disbursing outstanding payments on Monday, July 01, 2024 -- Photo/ MIFCO

Fishers have stopped their protests at Addu Fisheries Complex (AFC), after Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) began disbursing outstanding payments on Monday.

MIFCO earlier on Monday began disbursing a total of MVR 53 million in total outstanding payments as of Thursday last week.

Fishers at Addu Fisheries complex, on board at least 15 vessels, had called off their protest that last over 10 days, and began leaving the venue after MIFCO began its disbursement.

Fishers began their protests earlier on June 19 due to state's delays in settling long overdue payments for the fish they sold. The protesters had cut power to the fisheriex complex halting its operations as well.

Power resumed to the complex after MIFCO sought assistance from Maldives Police Service.

On Sunday, MIFCO announced its decision to float fish purchasing prices - which it said would be updated on a weekly basis. The decision reflected MIFCO's attempt to ensure financial sustainability and operational longevity.

The highest purchase price right now, under the new floating price policy, is MVR 16 per kilo of tuna.

Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Resources Ahmed Shiyam on Monday said, this would allow MIFCO to pay to fishers within a maximum of two weeks.
