
More important things to be done than creating and investigating new problems: Shifag

Parliament Member for Fuahmulaku Shifag Mufeedh has said that there are more important issues for the government to be concerned about, than the investigation of the stories spread by the citizens about the government.

In an interview with Sun and referring to the summoning of several members of Gaumee Party to the Police Office,MDP member Shifag said that nothing is of more importance than protecting the rights of Maldivian citizens.

“What we are observing today are efforts to investigate new issues and problems. It is like being worried about a child who was born yesterday not being able to walk today. We see the President trying to investigate statements made by political parties. There are certain areas the government needs to look into, in order to protect people’s rights,” Shifag said.

He said that there are several cases at the PG office which have been untouched for several years, and that it would be better to work on investigating these cases instead.

“A person from Fuahmulaku, who was arrested 28 years ago, died in prison. Two children lost their father. Nobody knows what happened to the accusations made against him. His family needs to know what happened. What are they talking about, without giving any importance to cases such as these?” Shifag asked. “Shouldn’t the main issue today be the protection of people’s rights? Is it the investigation of the people criticising the government that should be given priority?”

Gaumee Party’s Deputy Leader Dr Mohamed Jameel Ahmed and Council Member Sandhaan Ahanmaidhy were summoned to the Police Office following an order by the President,and under accusations of spreading unauthenticated information. Sandhaan Ahanmaidhy and Abdul Matheen have now, however, been released.
