Tourists pose for a selfie at Velana International Airport on March 1, 2021. (Sun Photo/Fayaz Moosa)
Statistics publicized by the Tourism Ministry show there are 13,000 tourists left to hit the 1.5 million arrival mark set by the Ministry for the end of this month.
As per the stats, Maldives has seen the arrival of 1,487,099 tourists as of Wednesday.
The Ministry estimates Maldives will see the arrival of 1.5 million tourists by the end of October and the arrival of 1.8 million tourists by the end of this year.
Russia remains the top tourist market to the Maldives with 170,070 arrivals. China, which had been the second tourist top market, has dropped to third with 161,499 arrivals. India, which had been third, is now second with 161,627 arrivals.
33 foreign airlines operate to the Maldives at present.
According to Tourism Ministry, there are 62,814 beds in operation at the moment, registered to 1,269 tourist establishments.