Elections Commission (EC)'s chairman Fuad Thaufeeq (C) speaks to press on July 12, 2023. (Sun Photo/Mohamed Shathiu Abdulla)
Elections Commission (EC) says they have received 361 complaints related to the tentative voter’s list for the presidential election runoff.
The EC opened the list for complaints from Thursday to Saturday.
The commission said most of the complaints were regarding rejected re-registration applications, but a few pertained to re-registration applications submitted without the knowledge of voters.
“The Elections Commission is responding to the complaints,” said the commission.
The EC expects to be able to release the final voter’s list on Sunday, after which there will be no opportunity for changes.
The EC received 50,047 applications for re-registration for the runoff. The commission approved 38,763 applications, but rejected 11,284.
According to the EC, most of the applications that were rejected were submitted online.
The high number of applications for re-registration has been questioned by the opposition.
But the EC provided assurance there was no room for wrongdoing in the process.