
Committee submits five names to the parliament floor for Broadcasting Commission Member

Five names have been submitted to the parliament floor for the vacant post in the Board of Directors of the Maldives Broadcasting Commission.From the 14 names nominated by the president, five names scoring above 75 percent of marks from the committee review were forwarded to the floor.

The vacancy comes after the resignation of the president of the commission, Mr. Badhuru Naseer.

The names were reviewed by the Independent Commissions Committee of the Parliament, and a sub-committee had interviewed seven candidates.

The committee decided to declare that the candidates who scored above 75 percent of marks to be the most suitablecandidates for the post. The candidate who scored the most percentage marks was Mohamed Aslam of Haa Alif Dhiddhoo Aalia who scored 86.75 percent of the marks. Mohamed Asif (Mondhu) M. Raivilla scored the second highest percentage mark of 85.13. Asif was the former CEO of MNBC and is currently the COO of TVM. Third highest was scored by Ali Naseeh M. Beach Heaven with 78 percent of the mark. Mohamed Hilmy G. Daisy Villa came to 4th place with ascore of 76 percent while Miusam Abbas Gaaf Dhaalu Rathafandhoo Bahaaree Villa was in 5th place with a score of 75.75 percent.

The seven members present at the committee voted unanimously yesterday to send the five names to the parliament floor. The names will be asked for vote in the order in which they scored during the committee review.

During the review, seven of the fourteen nominees were asked for interviews. Some of these nominees did not attend the interviews while some were out of the country,and others had withdrawn their names. The committee decided one nominee as ineligible.

The names will face parliament’s vote according to the scores they received during evaluation.The name with the highest score will face the vote first. If the first name to face the vote is passed, the remaining names will not be asked for vote.
