Last updated : 2 years ago

Official function held to mark Republic Day


This is the live coverage of the official function held to mark Republic Day.

Maldives celebrates Republic Day, on every November 11, marking the day the nation established itself as a republic, abolishing the sultanate 54 years ago, in 1968.

The official function to mark Republic Day will be special guested by President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

During this ceremony, President Solih will confer the President's Award for Special Achievement to recipients.


Function concludes

The official function held to mark Republic Day concluded with the national anthem.


Remarks by a recipient of the award


Presentation of awards for recipients of he President's Award for Special Achievement

The recipients of this year's award include 13 individuals who memorized the Holy Quran entirely while attaining the highest grade, nine individuals who achieved exceptional distinction in completing studies at MQA rank 10, and 41 individuals who graduated in the highest rank.

Recipients also include an individual recognized for skill and innovation and an organization for its contributions to human resources development in the field of tourism.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih speaks at the official function held to mark 'Republic Day' on November 11, 2022. (Sun Photo/Ibrahim Shamweel)

The biggest investment for the future of the Maldives is the apprenticeship program and the free degree program. In the past four years, 15,547 youths have been facilitated the opportunity to pursue their education under the free degree program.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih


Another major concern for the people four years ago was discrimination against them based on their political ideologies. Nevertheless, the reality across the Maldives today is that this discrimination has become a thing of the past. The islands and people are provided services. A peaceful environment has been established today, rendering the opportunity for people to think about their lives in comfort. Peace has been restored in the Maldives by great lengths compared to before.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih


Shall not believe that all basis for the government to operate on a path of sincerity and justice would be completed within just four years. The biggest reality is that hope that the Maldives is reverting to a path of justice has been ingrained in the last four years.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
