Mahaldheeb Foundation's "Gift a smile food basket" initiative poster.
The Mahaldheeb Foundation has commenced with a project to donate food items registered families in dire situations due to the lockdown measures and impact of COVID-19 in the Maldives.
The foundation commenced the project named “Gift a smile food basket”. Under the initiative, the foundation
plans on providing a month’s worth of food items.
Categories to provide assistance under the project are divided into four.
The foundation stated that the information regarding the situation of the families was clarified with documents from the Gender which has also accepted the information.
Around 2000 people from 340 households have been assisted with under the initiative, says the foundation. Targeting to provide food items that can last for a month to these households before the upcoming Fitr-Al-Eid holidays, the foundation requested well-wishers to assist the foundation by transferring donations to the foundation's Maldives Islamic Bank account: 99010155500013100.
Further information regarding the initiative can be verified from the foundation's Facebook page.