
JSC team dispatched to G. A. Atoll to investigate judges

Judicial Service Commission. (File Photo/Sun/Ihthisham Mohamed)

A team from Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has been dispatched to G. A. Atoll for its investigation into cases of misconduct filed against the judges and magistrates from the atoll.

The JSC’s investigative team is currently in Vilingili, the capital of G. A. Atoll.

Judges and magistrates currently under investigation include:

  • Criminal Court Judge Hassan Najeeb, a native of G. A. Atoll
  • High Court Chief Judge Shujau Usman
  • G. A. Maamendhoo Court Magistrate Ahmed Shukoor
  • G. A. Dhaandhoo Court Chief Magistrate Luayyu Ibrahim
  • G. A. Kanduhulhudhoo Court Magistrate Hassan Didi

JSC has formed a five-member subcommittee to investigate total four cases lodged against Dhaandhoo Chief Magistrate Luayyu.


  • Masthoor Husnee, vice president
  • Abdul Rauf Ibrahim, member
  • Mohamed Easafulhu, member
  • Hisaan Hussain, member
  • Ibrahim Riffath, member

Meanwhile, a three-member subcommittee has been charged with investigating the case lodged against Kanduhulhudhoo Magistrate Hassan Didi.


  • Abdul Rauf Ibrahim, member
  • Hisaan Hussain, member
  • Ibrahim Riffath, member

JSC has also announced the decision to investigate multiple other judges and magistrate over allegations of misconduct lodged against them with the commission.
