
Not a crime to use vehicles on Eid: Transport Authority

Transport Authority has said that City Council’s decision that vehicles should not be used on the streets on Eid from 16:00 till midnight, was made against the law.

Land Registrar of Transport Authority Ibrahim Nazim said that City Council does not have the authority to make decisions on land transport vehicles.

“The Land Transport Act stipulates that such decisions can be made only by the Transport Authority. No other body has the authority to ban vehicles on the streets of Maldives, except for Security Forces, who can ban traffic at defined areas for security reasons,” Nazim said.

He went on to say that it will not be a crime to use vehicles on Eid, despite City Council’s announcement.

“City Council’s announcement is unfair and biased. The two modes of land transport in Male’ are taxis and buses. The announcement states that taxis are banned, but buses are allowed to operate. Which means that people who have to travel abroad or have to use taxis for emergency reasons, for example, can’t use taxis,” Nazim said.

Nazim said that City Council usually holds discussions with the Transport Authority and Police prior to making such decisions.

“Now there’s no time to discuss with City Council and find a solution for this problem. So the use of vehicles is allowed on Eid. That decision can’t be changed,” he said.

City Council made an announcement last month saying that on the day of Fitr Eid, the only vehicles allowed on the streets of Male’ are buses, ambulances and permitted vehicles.
