
Five leave for bone marrow transplant funded by Zakat Fund

The five children and their guardains who left to Bangalore, India, today for the bone marrow transplant. (Sun Photo/Mohamed Afrah)

Five children has left for India today to have bone marrow transplant that is being funded by the Zakat Fund. 

The five children that left for India this morning are those declared healthy for the surgery out of the 32 children who were given the document on 15 January to do bone marrow transplant from the Zakat Fund. 

Their surgeries are scheduled to be done at the Manipal Hospital in Bangalore. 

Health Ministry said that although only five went for the transplant today, more children will be sent for the surgery as they become healthier. 

A bone marrow transplant is the only permanent cure for Thalassemia. The Zakat funds about MVR 900,000 per surgery. They also provide the plane tickets and a living allowance for the duration of the medical trip for the patient and two guardians along with the expenses for the medical review following an year after the surgery. 

The Zakat Fund has the bone marrow transplant of 24 children since 2015. 
