
Civil Service employees get a salary bump

Employees under the Civil Service Commission has gotten a raise in their salaries.

The Civil Service Commission said that in an effort to make the Maldivian Civil Service institutes provide quality the most efficient service, the government has decided to raise the salary and benefits for the Civil Servants effective from 1 February 2018.

The circular issued by the Civil Service Commission said that the salary is being raised for the employees in technical and support staff a well.

Technical Core Allowance:

- A 28 percent increase for Technical Core employees of the Civil Service that quality.

Supporting Core Allowance 1:

- An allowance of MVR 1200 for Support Service (SS rank) employees.

Supporting Core Allowance 2:

- An allowance named Supporting Core 2 has been allocated for employees in the Civil Service General Service (GS rank) that are not in the Technical Core. They are:

- Director General EX5 and 6: MVR 1500

- Deputy Director General EX4 and 3: MVR 1300

- Director/Executive Director/Manager EX2 and 1: MVR 1100

- MS rank 4: MVR 900

- MS rank 3: MVR 900

- MS rank 2: MVR 900

- MS rank 1: MVR 700

- GS rank 4: MVR 700

- GS rank 3: MVR 700

- GS rank 2: MVR 700

- GS rank 1: MVR 700

Civil Service said that contract employees and Civil Service ZV rank 7 are exceptions to the allowances.
