
IUM and MNU sign MoU to provide assistance

Islamic University of Malidves (IUM) and the Maldives National University (MNU) has signed a Memorandom of Understanding to provide assistance to one another.

At a special ceremony held at the Islamic University today, the agreement was signed by the Chancellor of IUM, Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed and the Vice Chancellor of MNU, Ali Favaz.

Speaking at the cermeony, Dr. Shaheem said that the agreement would brighten the future of the students and staff of both colleges and the two colleges would be working together in the future.

Dr. Shaheem said that the MoU opens the door for cross-use of resources.

The Vice Chancellor of MNU also spoke at the ceremony saying that the agreement would help to move towards the goals together.

The five-year agreement signed between the two universities include staff training programs and use of the libraries of both institutes for the student and staff of the two universities. The two institutes would also conduct combined researches, conferences and workshops along with professional development programs.

At the ceremony today, IUM made a comemorative present to the MNU.
