
Unemployment, corruption; Declaration passed at SAYS to address key issues

A declaration has been passed at the first South Asian Youth Summit held in Bhubaneswar City, India to address key issues facing the youth of South Asian countries such as unemployment and corruption.

The Bhubaneswar Youth Declaration was formulated and passed by the a drafting committee, consisting of young delegates from all participating countries, including Maldives, last Wednesday, September 20.

One of the biggest concerns raised was the issue of unemployment, especially among youth. The Bhubaneswar Youth Declaration recommends equipping the youth with entrepreneurship and leadership skills and providing financial concessions so that youths are self-employed, and become job creators rather than job seekers.

It also recommends supporting youth at risk and creating equal opportunities for disadvantaged and marginalized youths, a skill-based education system, and vocational training.

Another key issue noted was the issue of corruption and nepotism. The Bhubaneswar Youth Declaration notes that corruption and nepotism was the single biggest obstacle to equal opportunity in South Asian countries.

It recommends more active involvement by anti-corruption bureaus, awareness, stricter penalties and more transparency within the system.

Inequality and discrimination based on factors such as sex, caste, class or race was also noted as a key issue. The Declaration states that not all youths have equal access to education, employment, facilities and resources necessary for youth development.

The Declaration recommends that all authorities ensure youths are provided fair and just opportunity irrespective of sex, caste, class or race. It also recommend educating people, especially young children on discrimination.

Other issues noted in the Declaration are; migration from rural areas to cities, damage to ecology, preservation of culture of South Asian countries and civic participation.
