
Majlis session concluded after announcing only agenda

Speaker of People’s Majlis, Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed commenced the Majlis session and concluded it immediately afterwards announcing only the agenda, amid protests by opposition parliamentarians this Tuesday morning.

Maseeh entered the Majlis chamber surrounded by security officers who formed a protective wall around him to hold back protesting opposition parliamentarians. Nothing he said was heard over all the commotion.

However, some parliamentarians are claiming that Maseeh began the session and concluded it after announcing the agenda.

Three issues were tabled for Tuesday’s session;

- Deliberating on sending the nomination of Mohamed Hussain Shareef (Mundhu) as the new Maldivian Ambassador to Sri Lanka to a Majlis committee for evaluation

- Deliberating on sending the nomination of Ahmed Naseer as the new Governor of Maldives Monetary Authority to a Majlis committee for evaluation

- Deliberating on sending Maldives’ potential membership at Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) to a Majlis committee for evaluation

Opposition parliamentarians made three main demands during the protests inside the Majlis chamber on Tuesday. Which was:

- To table the no-confidence motion against Maseeh which was submitted by the opposition

- To grant Dhiggaru MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon – who is under detention – the right to attend Majlis sessions

- To allow the four parliamentarians – whose parliamentary seats are currently under dispute – the right to attend Majlis sessions
