A motorcycle has crashed into the car of Minister of Islamic Affairs Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, leaving the car’s right-side window broken.
Police Media Official Sub-Inspector of Police Hassan Haneef said that the accident happened at around 17:15 today on Buruzu magu, while Shaheem’s child was being driven home from school.
The person riding the motorbike fled after hitting the car.
Minister Shaheem said that his car was attacked not just today while his Iskandar school third-grader was in the car, but also yesterday while he was in it.
“This is the second time. Yesterday I was in the car near my house, and someone hit the window with his fist, on the side I was sitting in. I have no idea why, nobody has warned or threatened me about anything. And there’s no one I suspect either,” Shaheem said.
He added that his child was extremely frightened and affected by today’s attack.
While Minister Dhiyana Saeed’s car was set on fire last week, JSC President’scar was attacked some time ago as well.