
High Court upholds Imran’s 12-year prison sentence

High Court has ruled against Leader of Adhaalath Party Al-Sheikh Imran Abdulla, ruling to uphold his 12-year prison sentence.

Imran was sentenced to 12-years in prison by Criminal Court on February 16, 2016 after being found guilty of inciting violence through his speech at the opposition “May Day” protest in Male’ City in 2015.

However, he is currently not in prison, but under house arrest.

Imran, this Sunday, lost his appeal after High Court ruled to uphold Criminal Court’s sentence.

High Court ruled that some of its judges being involved in the Criminal Court trial of Imran’s case was not an issue.

The court said the Imran had appealed to protesters during the May Day protest to “rise some other way” and that the protesters had turned violent after the Magrib prayer that day.

The court also referred to records kept by the police which showed 17 officers received various degrees of injuries during the protest and two officers were sent abroad for further treatment.

High Court ruled that the evidence proved Imran’s speech incited violence.

It said the organizers failed to announce the end of the protest after the Magrib prayer, and that the protesters had acted as encouraged by Imran.

It also said Imran had also accused senior government officials of culpability in the murder of Dr. Afrasheem Ali during the protest.

The High Court judges unanimously agreed there was no room for any change to Criminal Court’s ruling.
