
State: Court has no jurisdiction to hear claim over form cancellation

State prosecution has raised a procedural issue, arguing High Court did not have the jurisdiction to hear the claim filed by Maldivian Democratic Party against Elections Commission over the decision to cancel previously submitted candidacy application forms for the postponed Local Council Election.

State prosecution raised the issue during the first hearing in the case, held at High Court this Thursday morning.

State prosecutor said complaints over electoral issues can only be submitted to High Court, after complaint over the issue is first filed with EC, and the complainant is unhappy with EC’s decision.

She said that it was the procedure for such situations stated in law. And asked that High Court rule it therefore did not have the jurisdiction to hear the case.

Following the argument, MDP’s lawyer, Anas Abdul Sattar asked for the opportunity to counter the argument – which was granted to the party.

MDP also asked for a temporary order to hold EC’s decision to declare previously submitted candidacy application forms void.

The judges said a decision would be made regarding the request for the temporary order after the court determined whether it has the jurisdiction to hear the case, or not.
