
IGMH call center services would come to a halt for an upgrade

Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) has said their call center services would down from tomorrow evening to midnight to conduct a network upgrade.

The central, state hospital in the country, IGMH, said that the service would be down from 4 p.m. to 12 a.m.

IGMH said that even if the call center is down, their service through the website, mobile application and SMS would continue uninterrupted.

While a major project is underway to develop the hospital, major interior changes have already been brought. And the hospital has opened a cardiac center and dialysis service, a modern spacious ICU, a theater complex with four operation theaters, non-invasive ventilation unit and a uro-renal and fertility center have been opened along with the installation of a total laboratory automation system.

And the construction of the 25-floor building of the hospital is underway at the land next to the hospital.
