
18-year-old stabbing victim transferred to ICU

The 18-year-old man who was injured in the stabbing in Male’ on Sunday night has been transferred to Intensive Care Unit of ADK Hospital.

The stabbing took place in Dhunburi Magu – in Henveyru district – in front of the shop “Dhiruham” at approximately 8:50 pm.

Managing Director of ADK Hospital, Ahmed Affaal reported to “Sun” this Monday that the victim was brought to the hospital at 9 pm, and transferred to ICU as his conditioned worsened around midnight.

Affaal did not detail the extent of the injuries, and said that the new law barred him from doing so.

The condition of the 18-year-old was critical when he was taken to the hospital.

Eyewitnesses reported that he had been conscious and talking when taken to hospital, but that paralysis had set in shortly afterwards.

Sunday’s stabbing is the latest of a series of stabbings which has hit Male’ over the past two weeks.
