Following PPM’s statement on the primaries for the upcoming Local Council Election, the Party’s Parliamentary Group has called to disregard the statement.
Speaking at a press conference today, Vice President of PPM, Abdul Raheem Abdulla (Adhurey) said that they would find more slots to take part in the Council Election and the current deadline is not definitive.
While the Vice President of the Party has said this, a statement issed by PPM said that those who wish to run on the PPM ticket can apply for primaries until 4 p.m. of 16 October 2016.
Adhurey said that PPM has been collecting MVR 150 from each applicant for the primary and it is against the regulations.
He said that the issues related to the Council Election are being managed by the party’s Election Committee but it is committee that has authority over internal elections alone.
Adhurey said that the counsel of the Elections Commission would also be sought as to managing the election.
The PPM Vice President said that according to the agreement made with MDA, the candidates for the Local Council Election have to be selected through a coalition between the two parties.