Former Maldivian President, Leader of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has said that a female Maldivian President leading the nation in the future was a distinct possibility.
Maumoon made the comment during his speech on Wednesday night, after releasing the book by the late Dr. Afrasheem Ali – a lawmaker and Islamic scholar – who advocated for the right of women to lead Islamic nations.
In his speech, Maumoon said that the day a female leader ruled over the nation would be a very special day, and said that he believed it possible.
“I believe that in the future, the role [of women] will continue to broaden… And as the role of women broaden, I believe the day a woman is elected President of Maldives will be the start of a very special chapter in the history of the nation. I believe this will happen one day or the next.
The purpose of this book is open that road,” said Maumoon.
He said that the book Afrasheem wrote described how the religion of Islam placed no barrier on women who wanted to move forward in this world.
He said that instead on looking at gender, the religion of Islam looked at personal capability irrespective of gender when looking at who can best fulfill a responsibility.
Dr. Afrasheem’s book says that there is no religious barrier to a female leading an Islamic nation, and cites the Holy Quran, the teachings of Prophet Mohamed, and the findings of Islamic scholars to support the stand.
The book, released by Maumoon Foundation will be sold for MVR 50 per copy.
The proceeds will be donated to charity.