
Abdul Raheem: Maumoon formed Advisory Committee illegally

Vice President of PPM, Abdul Raheem Abdulla has said that their President, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom formed the Advisory Committee to reform the party illegally.


Speaking at a press conference today, Abdul Raheem said that such a committee cannot be formed without passing it through the Party’s Council.

The Advisory Committee formed by Maumoon is made up of the former Home Minister, Umar Naseer, former Minister in the Maumoon Presidency, Aneesa Ahmed, Raashid Yousuf, former President of the Parliament, Seena Ahmed Zahir, former MP for Inguraidhoo constituency, Hamdhoon Abdulla Hameed, former State Minister at the Gender Ministry, Aathifa Shakoor and the former Executive Coordinator at the Gender Ministry, Aminath Naadhira.

Abdul Raheem criticized the presence of the former Home Minister Umar on the Committee.

He said that the committee is made up of individuals with grievances towards the government and serves as proof that Maumoon is against the government.
