It has been “revealed” that government has designed the tourism bill so that it gives them the prerogative to lease islands for 99 years even if the tenant fails to meet the lease payment and fines.
It was “revealed” in the Economic Affairs Committee report on the bill, sent to People’s Majlis for a vote on Wednesday.
The bill, proposed on behalf of government by Majority Leader, Vilimale’ MP Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik, is also controversial given that it gives Ministry of Tourism the authority to lease islands, lagoons and land for tourism without open-bidding.
Tourism Act currently states that islands can be leased for 99 years but only with certain stipulations; finishing payment owed to the state, a resort being opened in the island leased, and paying USD 5 million (MVR 77 million) to the state in bulk.
The bill states that islands can be leased for 99 years even if there’s a payment or fine owing. It states that it can be agreed between Ministry of Tourism and the party in question to delay payments.
Details of the agreement between the tourist resort and Ministry of Tourism has not been stated in the bill. And the stipulations that need to be written down in the agreement when the bill becomes law and takes effect has not been written down either.
Therefore, the government can delay payment for as long as they wish. And make the agreement with any party of their choice.