
Government seeks waste management concept for Malé

Environment Ministry has made an announcement seeking a contractor to create a concept for waste management to be implemented in Malé City.

The announcement made on the government gazette yesterday says that the main purpose of making the concept is to find out the most efficient waste collection, transport, processing and transfer for the capital.

Environment Ministry said that the project includes the survey of the types and amount of waste generated in the city along with a preliminary detail design of a waste management facility and the tender documents.

The Ministry said that they request consultancy firms and companies to submit their proposals as a Request for Proposal (RFP) to the ministry.

The company’s information brochure, experience, details of other projects and the academic level of the consultants on the project needs to be submitted to the ministry along with other relevant information with the RFP.

Presenting of the proposals would be held on 14 June at 11 a.m. at the Environment Ministry.
