
Investigators on Zuha’s murder testifies at court

The Police Officers that investigated the murder of Hawwa Zuha, who was found dead at an ally in January, has testified at the court.

Investigation officers, Chief Station Inspector, Uswath Ahmed, Staff Sergent Mohamed Shameel and Sergent Ahmed Abubakr testified at the hearing today.

The three investigators told the court the proceedings of the investigation. And so the three testified that the accused, the Bangladeshi national, Sumon Miah was seen sneaking out of H. Laalukurige on the CCTV footage from the Maadu Garage.

Zuha was found murdered in the ally of H. Laalukurige on the morning of 7 January 2016. All three police investigators that testified today said that the accused left the house around 4 :10 a.m.

During the course of the investigation, Sumon said that Zuha requested more money due to an event that took place when they had sexual intercourse.

According to the accused, he had an agreed price of MVR 700 with the deceased.

On his statement to the Police, Sumon said that he choked Zuha when she tried to get more money and when she went quiet, he let go and she fell on the sitting room of the house. The investigators testified that the accused told the investigation that he was in a state of panic when he left the house at 4:10 a.m.

The investigators said that Sumon tried to marry a woman at H. Laalukurige after being romantically involved but it later came to a halt.

When the woman was questioned however, the Police said that according to the woman, she was involved with a foreigner named Mannaan and gave a picture of him to the Police.

Investigators testified that the picture was of Sumon Miah and he had changed his name as well. And to confirm this, the officers said that they checked the records with Immigration.

Testifying officers said that they went to Sumon’s residence in Maafannu with the help of a foreigner and when the Police arrived, the foreigners there said that Sumon was not there and so the Police left. But following a leader received later said that Sumon was in fact at the house and was confirmed that the foreigners at the house lied.

Following the information, investigators went to the house for a second time at which time the foreigners at the house said that Sumon moved when he found out that the Police inquired about him. And he was later found inside a warehouse of Rishath Company Pvt. Ltd. at H. Dhethandimaage according to the investigators.

The officers testified that Sumon hid under a bedding when the Police entered the warehouse.

The next hearing in the case is set to summon the officers that prepared the DNA and other reports of the case.
