
Minister: Those who use the mosques need to be as clean as them

Islamic Minister, Dr. Ahmed Ziyad has said that even if mosques are built clean and decorative, a community could turn over a new leaf if the people using mosque are clean like the mosque themselves.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of Masjid al Zikra, built by an independent businessman, in K. Hinmafushi this morning, Minister Dr. Ziyad said that while the mosques are decorated inside and out, the people who use it needs to be clean inside and out.

The mosque opened today in Hinmafushi was built and gifted to the island by a local businessman who wishes to remain anonymous.

Minister Dr. Ziyad said that this proves that individual citizens are fulfilling their responsibility to the betterment of the community.

“This is a fine example of the public’s share with the government.” Islamic Minister Dr. Ziyas said.

The newly opened Masjid al Zikra has the capacity of 650 people in prayer at a time with MVR 8.9 million spent to build.
