
Foreign Ministry: Imran’s conviction clear message hate speech and incitement to violence won’t be tolerated in Maldives

The Foreign Ministry has said that the 12-year prison sentence against the President of Adhaalath Party, Sheikh Imran Abdulla is a clear message that the Maldives will not tolerate hate speeches and incitement to violence.

A press statement issued by the Foreign Ministry today said that the speech Sheikh Imran gave at the rally on 1 May 2015 incited those present to commit acts of violence and his speech was acted upon by numerous individuals who went on to vandalise public property and attack law enforcement officers who were attempting to ensure the protest passed peacefully.

The statement by the Ministry noted that Sheikh Imran’s Adhaalath party was in coalition with the ruling party and their senior figures were at high ranking positions in the Government.

“It is essential in any democracy, and particularly in a developing democracy such as the Maldives that fundamental rights and freedoms are encouraged and upheld. However, such freedoms do not grant an individual carte blanche to act in any manner that they see fit, especially when those actions are at the detriment of the safety of others and society as a whole.” The statement said.

While the Foreign Minister has issued a clear statement against incitement of violence, the UK has expressed concerns regarding the sentence against Sheikh Imran.
