Opposition MDP has said that they would not be attending the first sitting of the first session of parliament in which the President would make his address.
A statement issued by MDP tonight said that the members of the MDP Parliamentary Group decided not to attend the parliament for various reasons.
The list of reasons MDP offered not to attend the sitting include moving the sitting to Dharubaaruge instead of the Parliament Building and that the words by President Abdulla Yamin Abdul Gayoom to the Members of the Parliament has no value.
MDP said that the events that took place in the last year’s Presidential Address to the Parliament was part of the reasons for not attending this year.
“...and this past year President Abdulla Yamin arrived at the People’s Majlis (Parliament and made degrading hand gesture to the members and destroyed the sanctity of the People’s Majlis…” The MDP statement said.
MDP said that the government has failed to provide safety and security to the people and it is also reason not to attend.