
Presidential Address to the parliament moved to Dharubaaruge

The first sitting of the first session of the Parliament this year, in which the President would address the parliament, has been moved to take place at Dharubaaruge.

The Speaker of the House told Sun Media tonight that the Parliament opening session for this year has been scheduled to be held at Dharubaaruge. He did not give the reason for this relocation.

The Presidential Address has been moved to Dharubaaruge at a time after a fire following an electrical short took place at the Parliament building last Thursday.

The last parliament session held at Dharubaaruge was for President Abdulla Yamin Abdul Gayoom to take his Presidential Oath.

Article 84 of the Constitution states that the President shall address the parliament on the status of the country and may present proposals for improving the status to the parliament at the beginning of the first sitting of the first session of each year.
