
High Court: Cannot issue order to delay Imran trial

High Court has said that they cannot issue a notice to delay terror trial against Adhaalath Party leader Imran Abdulla.

Imran made the request that his trial be delayed until the lawsuit he filed with Supreme Court and Criminal Court is resolved.

He pressed the lawsuit alleging that the judge presiding over the case, Judge Abdul Baaree Yoosuf had a personal vendetta against him. And to therefore arrange for another judge to preside over the case.

High Court sent a letter to Imran saying that they could not issue an order to delay the trial as Imran’s lawsuit was not filed with them, but two other courts.

Imran was charged with terrorism with State prosecutors alleging that Imran’s speech during protest on May 1, 2015 had instigated violence.

Imran has denied the charge.

He is being defended by attorney Husnu Suood.
