
Problems with vehicles obstructs container unloading

Due to problems with the vehicles used by Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) to unload containers, cargo offloading has been impeded.

Some of the businessmen told Sun Media today that they have not been able to receive their goods for three days now which is leading to a lot of challenges.

Regarding the issue, CEO of MPL, Ibrahim Shareef told Sun Media today that they faced some difficulty with the problems in two of their reach stacker vehicles but the problems have now been resolved.

“Our equipment and equipment close to replacement, they face problems now and then, by coincidence two things faced problems simultaneously.” Shareef said.

Shareef said that the offloading would resume after repairs at 1 p.m. today.

He said that although the vehicles faced problems, the emptying of containers did not face much trouble.

MPL has been having problems with their offloading vehicles now and then.

A businessman who spoke with Sun Media said that the ship has been sitting three days unable to offload containers and aside from that loss, they no longer have the guarantee that the new resort to be opened in January be opened in time.

He said that due to oil spills and lack of cleaning inside the port, it is difficult to drive forklifts and claim goods.
